Refresh Your Face

A brow lift repositions a heavy, furrowed brow and removes excess tissue to tighten the area, so your face radiates with the same level of vitality as you feel inside. At MG Plastic Surgery, we customize each procedure to suit the unique anatomy of our patients in Scottsdale, AZ, so the results look and feel natural.

What Is a Brow Lift?

A brow lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure that reduces visible signs of facial aging by reharmonizing the balance between the eyebrows, forehead, and eyes. Typically performed on patients between the ages of 40 and 60, the operation carefully tightens the forehead muscles and removes excess skin and fat to correct drooping or asymmetrical eyebrows and soften deep creases between the eyes.

Meet Your Doctor

Brow lift surgery requires a customized approach because each person’s facial structure is unique. Dr. Manuel Gigena operates with immense skill and an artistic eye in his comfortable Scottsdale office to ensure every patient receives compassionate care and results that suit their natural facial anatomy.

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Brow Lift Techniques

Coronal Lift

This operation is performed under general anesthesia. The incision is made from one ear to the other, tracing across the forehead along or near the hairline. Dr. Gigena will then lift your forehead skin, carefully trimming excess fat and tissue and realigning adjacent muscles, if necessary. The brow is repositioned aesthetically pleasing to suit your facial features, and excess skin is removed. 

Endoscopic Lift

This procedure is minimally invasive and may be performed entirely under local anesthetic, although IV sedation or general anesthesia may increase patient comfort. Small incisions are hidden behind the hairline. A fiberoptic instrument gently lifts and repositions the forehead tissues. This approach tends to cause less bruising in most patients and offers a more speedy healing time than the classic coronal procedure.  

Temporal Lift

Also minimally invasive, the temporal approach can be performed using local anesthesia. The underlying tissue is released and moved to the desired position using small incisions hidden just above the temples behind the hairline. Much like the endoscopic brow lift, this version can produce outstanding results with minimal downtime. 

Am I a Good Candidate?

If you are interested in softening wrinkles on your forehead and tightening the loose skin on your brow that may have begun to droop over your eyelids, a brow lift can rejuvenate your eyes, so they look more refreshed and youthful. Dr. Gigena will assess your health and medical history to ensure that you are a good candidate for the procedure. However, ideal candidates are in good physical health and do not smoke. 

What Can I Expect After a Brow Lift?

Recovery from a brow lift can vary, but the pain is generally minimal and can be relieved with medication prescribed by your physician. Bruising and swelling are common after surgery and can be reduced with gentle cold compresses and by sleeping in an elevated position. Any surgical dressing may be taken off after a day or two, and suture removal occurs within one to two weeks. Most patients return to work after two weeks.

The recovery period usually lasts between two and three weeks, and you will want to avoid strenuous activities. While a brow lift cannot stop the aging process, it will be long-lasting, and most patients do not seek a second brow lift. To optimize the longevity of your results, we recommend maintaining a healthy lifestyle with nourishing foods and exercise, wearing sunscreen daily, and refraining from smoking.

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Brighten Your Eyes

If you are ready to transform your face, a brow lift can create a brighter appearance for your eyes by removing excess tissue on the brow and smoothing out forehead wrinkles and creases. With this procedure, you can regain a rested, youthful glow to your complexion that can take years off your face and boost your confidence in every area of your life. Schedule your consultation today and let Dr. Gigena help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

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