Enjoy a Renewed Figure

Whether your breast implants are causing you some discomfort or you no longer love the way they look, at MG Plastic Surgery, we can remove them from your body and restore a new level of confidence to your spirit. For some patients in Scottsdale, AZ, removing their breast implants can ease health concerns, allow for a renewed ability to engage in physical activities that once may have been avoided to protect the implants, and increase overall peace of mind.

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Meet Your Doctor

Breast implant removal requires expertise, precision, and artistry to preserve the health and function of the breast tissues and nerves. Dr. Manuel Gigena has the extensive training necessary to help you feel at ease while he safely removes your breast implants and restores your breasts to a more desirable shape. 

With a compassionate professional by your side, you can experience a safe and comforting operation with outstanding results that boost your confidence. Dr. Gigena uses the latest techniques to ensure that your procedure yields the ideal results while helping you to relax in his gentle care.

What Is Breast Implant Removal?

Also known as explant surgery, breast implant removal involves removing existing breast implants from the breast pocket. There are many reasons that one may wish to remove their breast implants, including:

  • Desire to change the size of the breasts
  • Pain or discomfort in the neck, shoulders, chest, or back
  • Shifts in your figure due to weight gain or loss, pregnancy, or aging, which impact the appearance of the breasts
  • Breast implant deflation, leakage, rupture, or deformity
  • Lifestyle changes to increase the quality of life
  • BII (breast implant illness), BIA-ALCL (breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma), or other health concerns
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What Happens During the Procedure?

Dr. Gigena first marks the incision site based on existing scars to prepare for surgery. Under general anesthesia, the explant procedure traces the incision along the existing scar line to reduce the appearance of any additional scarring. The implants are then removed through this incision. 

En Bloc Capsulectomy

For women with health concerns about their breast implants, en bloc capsulectomy is performed using slightly longer incisions than your original breast augmentation. This procedure removes the breast implant and surrounding scar tissue in one piece. While keeping the implant and breast capsule intact, special care is taken to avoid opening the capsule. This prevents potential contamination of the healthy breast tissue with the breast implant contents or other bacteria.


Many women report that recovery from explant surgery is comparable to or even more tolerable than recovery from breast augmentation. Dr. Gigena will give you a surgical bra to wear during your healing period. Swelling and tenderness can be expected for the first couple of weeks, and drains may be inserted to reduce fluid buildup and minimize swelling.

Most patients can return to work after the first week, and strenuous activities may be resumed after approximately six weeks. As your body heals, you will begin to see the results of your surgery, including a decreased bust size, enhanced self-confidence, and increased comfort resulting from the breast implant removal. Dr. Gigena will provide a thorough recovery plan to ensure optimal results.

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Restore Your Peace of Mind

Dr. Gigena not only improves the cosmetic appearance of his patient’s breasts, but his skilled hands also improve quality of life and restore peace of mind. In his operating room, incredible transformations happen, and wonderful people experience how plastic surgery can work magic in their lives.

Breast implant removal can be a life-changing experience by reversing breast augmentation changes and giving your figure a new shape so you can feel comfortable in your body again. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Gigena in Scottsdale, AZ, today, so he can create a thorough plan to help you reach your desired cosmetic goals.

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