Regain Youthful Contours

Made of hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally occurring in the human body, Belotero integrates into the skin easily to restore a plump contour without disrupting natural facial expressions. By adding structural volume back into fine lines in the face, Belotero helps you regain a more youthful complexion. At MG Plastic Surgery, we help men and women in Scottsdale, AZ, turn back the clock with high-quality facial fillers.

Injectable Areas

  • Vertical lines around the lips
  • Lip volume and definition
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Marionette lines
  • Under-eye tear troughs
  • Frown lines
  • Sunken temples
  • Mouth corners
  • Crow’s feet
  • Any other wrinkles or creases

What Is the Secret?

Because Belotero is made of a naturally occurring substance in our skin, hyaluronic acid, the treatment can address any wrinkle quickly, with instant integration into your tissues. Hyaluronic acid naturally binds to water, so Belotero injections help hydrate the skin, adding volume while restoring a smooth and elastic appearance.

By filling in small gaps underneath the skin’s surface, the fillers smooth fine lines without affecting the natural movement of facial expressions. Belotero blends evenly with your tissue so you won’t feel any lumps or bumps beneath your skin. With its seamless integration and natural appearance, no one will ever guess the secret to your vibrant, youthful glow.


Before your treatment, we cleanse and numb the skin, depending on each patient’s individual needs. In a 15-45 minute session, small doses of Belotero filler are injected into the skin using a fine needle or cannula until your desired look is achieved. The area is then gently massaged to ensure the fillers distribute evenly under the skin.


Patients can return to their routine immediately after the treatment with almost no downtime. For the first 24 hours, patients must avoid touching the area, sun exposure, NSAIDs, alcohol consumption, and strenuous activity. Pain and swelling can be alleviated with a cold pack and will subside after a few hours.


After one treatment, it is common to see noticeable improvements in the complexion. Most patients see the final results after two to three weeks post-treatment. Individual results may vary; however, they can be visible for up to 18 months, depending on how much product is used and where it is injected. 


Are the injections painful?

What are the risks?

Are the injections painful?

Some discomfort can be associated with any injectable treatment. Lidocaine within the fillers helps reduce the sensation of pain during the injection. If you have any concerns, we are happy to discuss options to keep you as comfortable as possible during your treatment.

What are the risks?

The potential side effects of any injection are swelling, mild irritation, itching, bruising, redness, or tenderness at the site of the injection. These typically resolve within a week on their own. If any side effects persist longer than a week, contact us right away.

Who Is the Ideal Candidate?

If you are seeking Belotero treatments in Scottsdale, AZ, the best candidates meet the following criteria:

  • The desire for a solution to wrinkles and fine lines on the face
  • At least 18 years old
  • No active infection or inflammation on the skin, such as a pimple, cyst, rash, cold sore, etc.
  • Not receiving immunotherapy
  • Not currently pregnant or breastfeeding
  • No history of severe allergies (especially to gram-positive proteins or anesthetic lidocaine)
  • No autoimmune disease
  • Realistic expectations about the treatment
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Regain a Seamless Complexion

Belotero injections are a highly effective option for regaining a timeless appearance to your complexion because they effortlessly integrate with your tissues, filling in fine lines for a seamless and smooth skin texture. We value patient-centered care and quality results that look and feel completely natural. Contact us today to reverse the appearance of aging on your face.

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